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An End-To-End Training Diploma That Help Match Graduates With Employers

  • And to quote "Japanese leaders have long promoted productivity improvements to drive economic growth. That has become an even greater priority as the country's low birth rates and rising life expectancy have reduced the domestic workforce (those aged 15 to 64 years) to 59.7 percent of the total population. Even with efforts to hire more women, retirees, and foreign workers to boost the labor pool, Japan's demographic shift threatens to stall GDP growth for the next decade.
  • With increased competition for talent and pressure to innovate, training and reskilling workers has become a national challenge. Few managers have the resources to help workers adapt to rapidly changing technologies, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. Workers also need more flexibility to go where their skills and training are most in demand. Companies can partner with government agencies to create a more end-to-end approach that includes developing training programs and helping match graduates with employers."
  • To help in filling in the gap based on the above given statement "to create a more end-to-end approach that includes developing training programs and helping match graduates with employers", the Tokyo Blockchain Academy broadened its goal to help fill the needs for Digital Transformation (DX) Talent Resource Development. The primary means is to enlist the unseen huge population of talent resource from the foreign migrants particularly from the GenZ and women residing in the country. GenZs' from abroad wishing to earn a certification through online studies on Blockchain Technologies are part of the personas of the first blockchain academy in Japan and Asia.
  • The approach is to provide specialized training diploma course on Blockchain Technologies that serves as a core technology of every digital transformation (DX) enabling technologies i.e. AI, IoT, Blockchain etc. as provided by a private senmon gakko - the Tokyo Blockchain Academy. Trainers and lecturers are mostly from the long list of experts from the Germany based non-profit, the Global Blockchain Initiative (GBI).
  • After a year of studies in acquiring knowledge and skills, another year of student internship program follows in collaboration with Japanese companies who are on the track to digital transformation. Internship qualification will be based on students developed skills that match to the collaborating company's needs. Having graduates to serve as blockchain talents up to blockchain specialists to help drive the country's digital transformation (DX) and contribute to the development of Society 5.0 are among the end results of the Tokyo Blockchain Academy's diploma program.

Teacher Development

ToBA Junior Club

ToBA Teens Club

Diploma Course

Study Tour



  • The Tokyo Blockchain Academy (ToBA) is a social enterprise initiative of SEELS Co., Ltd, a registered limited company under Japan’s Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau. ToBA is an offshoot program of Global Blockchain Initiative (GBI). GBI was born out of the first accredited Master program in Blockchain Technologies founded by its Alumni with the mission to create a global and inclusive, participatory blockchain community committed to positively impacting people’s lives through education and the application of the technology.

Our mission

    by providing a network for career development through joint projects with corporates, academia, public institutions and start-ups.
    by providing resources, infrastructure and support to identify local talent and realize blockchain and digital economy projects.
  • Together with GBI, ToBA believes that education is the catalyst for change: Technology developments happen globally but the impact needs to take place locally.

Local Hub of GBI in Japan

  • (1) Teacher Development : ToBA created a section of well trained teachers by Alumni of accredited Master programs in Blockchain Technologies who will facilitate the development of talents who will drive blockchain technologies.
  • (2) ToBA Junior Club (for 9 to 12 years old) and Teens Club (for thirteen to eighteen years old) aims to ensure the sustained career development and supply needs of Blockchain Technologies workforce for the coming decades.
  • (3) Two-Year Diploma Course on Blockchain Technology, equivalent to a community college degree in the US and as a private senmon gakko in Japan, connects students and graduates to corporate, academia, government and GBI global networks for internship and for eventual job hiring. An added option is to join ToBA’s Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) startup business as a career and employment creation after completing the course.
  • (4) Study Tour: ToBA organizes, sends and receives participants to and from GBI and other organizations sponsored workshops, conferences, training, internship, and studies of special interests inside Japan and overseas.
  • (5) Scholarship: As a social enterprise, 51% of surplus profit of ToBA is allocated for scholarship and for sending scholars to Global Masters On Blockchain Technologies at Zigurat Institute of Technology/University of Barcelona.
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